A letter to my beautiful children
Dear Martha and Sebastian,
I am writing this to you on Mother’s Day 2016 because I want you to always know how deeply and truly you are loved. And because life is funny sometimes…funny peculiar, not funny ha-ha.
I long to watch you grow fully into awesome independent souls, whilst at the same time longing for you to never grow a second older.
I want to fight all your battles for you – today, tomorrow and for the rest of your days , but need you to be able to stand strong and firm, safe and sure of your own abilities.
I want you to travel to the farthest corners of the world, exploring, experiencing and creating a life full of rich memories, yet I never want you to leave my side.
I pray your hearts are never broken and yet for you to live a life full of love, passion and desire.
I hope you never have to fight the battles I have fought but I know that you will have your own challenges to face, ones that you alone can win.
I wish that I could guarantee you a smooth and easy path, without false-starts or wrong-turns, but know that only through life’s peculiar hiccups do we get to fully know and appreciate all that is good.
I hope that you don’t take happiness for granted, that you cherish your family and try to be a good and true friend, that you forgive easily and always try to see the good in people, as I have tried so hard to model to you.
I hope you know that if you fall down seven times, you need to get up eight, that the only way to keep living is to keep fighting, keep smiling and keep loving.
Know that sometimes bad things happen to good people.
That it’s ok to make mistakes.
That life sometimes just isn’t fair.
That you my precious children will always be my babies and will be loved for all eternity.
Mummy xx.