Threapy. Done Differently.

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My story

I recently shared an article that I have had published on Tiny Buddha where I talk about what it was like to be married to an emotionally abusive man.

Some of you already know what happened, and it has taken many months of coming to terms with how I ended up in that place, never mind actually find a way to verbalise it and begin sharing it.  Shame, embarrassment and just really not knowing how to start that difficult conversation meant that I suffered in silence for the almost three years of our relationship.  I have learned that the silence is all part of the abuse cycle, and by continuing to remain silent meant I was enabling the pain to continue.

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On being a strong woman

This one isn’t about muscles, lifting weights or flipping tyres.

I think I’m probably physically a little bit stronger than the average nearly-40 year old woman.  Actually, maybe a bit more than that but as a Personal Trainer you’d hope that was the case!  I do push-ups on my toes, really quite enjoy burpees, and love the part of the gym where all the buff blokes hang out grunting over the squat rack.  But like I said this one isn’t about being physically strong.

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It’s all about the bounce-back

One of the most important muscles you have isn’t exactly a muscle.

I posted on Facebook today about Sheryl Sandberg’s recent speech to Berkeley University students a couple of days about where she spoke for the first time publicly about her husband’s sudden death a little over 12 months ago.  She spoke of her grief, how those dark early days are now a blur to her and how it sucks sometimes being a single mum.  ‘Leaning-In’, she now admits, is a whole lot harder when you don’t have a significant other in your corner, helping and supporting you at home.

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Your chatter matters

I’m a big believer in positive self-talk.

I know that sometimes it’s a lot easier said than done, but with a little bit of practice and quite a bit of perseverance it can soon become second nature – and could even change your life!

Who is in your head?

Who is talking to you?

Who are you listening to?

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A letter to my beautiful children

Dear Martha and Sebastian,

I am writing this to you on Mother’s Day 2016 because I want you to always know how deeply and truly you are loved.  And because life is funny sometimes…funny peculiar, not funny ha-ha.

I long to watch you grow fully into awesome independent souls, whilst at the same time longing for you to never grow a second older.

I want to fight all your battles for you – today, tomorrow and for the rest of your days , but need you to be able to stand strong and firm, safe and sure of your own abilities.

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