The start of February: too early for a rest?
The start of February: too early for a rest?
I’m not sure if I’m alone in this feeling, but as the first month of 2022 draws to a close I’m already feeling like I need another break! And as I’ve been curiously reflecting on that awareness its dawned on me that maybe it’s because I did ‘do’ some quality resting over the Christmas break. Maybe that old adage, usually applied to newborn babies, of “sleep begets sleep” can work in some way for adults and rest! [For those of you who have never heard of that phrase it’s about the understanding that newborn babies often sleep better at night when they’ve had lots of good quality day-sleeps…which seems counterintuitive for many parents who worry that if they’ve slept too much during the day, they won’t be tired enough to sleep through the night.]