A bit about Thea Baker Wellbeing
A bit about Thea Baker Wellbeing
I realised recently that I haven’t written a blog to really explain the ethos behind, and crazy-brilliant evolution of Thea Baker Wellbeing (TBW for short) and with so many wonderful new clinicians who have joined the practice recently, I thought this week might be a great week to sort that out. TBW was very much created to be a baby private practice, that I always thought was going to be a ‘one-person-band’ kind of practice. Just me, doing my thing. I had no intention of it growing into a multi-therapist practice operating from two locations, so things have very definitely changed over the last few years!
And I’m so thrill that it has because now we are able to support more people navigate their trauma, attachment wounds and other life challenges. Each of the therapists that work at TBW share the same ethos and approach to client-care, how we collaborate with our clients, and we all work from a bottom-up, trauma-informed lens to our therapy. I’ll share a bit more about the rest of the TBW team a bit later on, but here’s a bit more about me, TBW, and why it works the way that it does.
I am a Counsellor and body-based (somatic) Psychotherapist with special interests in all aspects of women’s health, trauma (PTSD, C-PTSD) and couples / relationship therapy. I work collaboratively with my client to find a pace of healing and recovery. I am in it for the long-haul and don’t give up easily. I am not the kind of therapist that is ok with “feeling better” if better is still a long way off being truly well. And that’s why I feel such an affinity with the word ‘wellbeing’. Wellbeing is about so much more than the absence of disease or illness. It’s multidimensional mix of getting your physical, mental, emotional and social health in balance.
I am a noisy advocate about mental health being a part of whole-person health – I believe that we have somehow got into a place where we see physical health in terms of strength and fitness whilst mental health is view through a lens of stigma, dysfunction and illness. I work tirelessly to address this imbalance. I’ve had an interesting journey to get to this moment in time, including about seven years in the corporate world as a Human Resource Business Partner and later a specialist Personal Trainer and Health Coach working with women at all ages and state of life. This is where I really learned about the profoundly simple connection between our physical and mental state of health. Now I combine that knowledge of anatomy and physiology with my research and learning around how trauma is stored in the body using all sorts of creative approaches to therapy.
TBW is grounded in some very clearly defined values which are embedded in both my personal life and woven throughout all aspects of the way we work at the practice:
- Authenticity: I am utterly real in my action and interactions. I will show up in all of my me-ness and encourage you to show up in all of your you-ness.
- Curiosity: I am endlessly curious. About my clients, my practice, my learning. I love asking questions, carefully considering what I need to know and the best way of asking it of you.
- Integrity: I am honest in my work and practice. I own my mistakes and work hard to make amends. I work from a foundation of mutual trust.
- Openness & respect: I don’t hide my thoughts and feelings. I respectfully share my insights and will always work respectfully with your needs and boundaries.
The decision to grow the practice wasn’t actually a deliberately intentional plan. Sarah Florence reached out to me to ask if I’d support her in her placement for her Diploma of Counselling and the whole experience got me thinking about how best I could share my knowledge of trauma, and the essence behind the way I work with people in all the ways. Having a team of clinicians with different interests and specialisms seemed a great way to not only serve and support more clients, but also support my own curiosity and growth – we have so much to learn from each other. Please read more about the amazing TBW Team here.
If you have decided that 2022 is the year that you start therapy, or if you’d like someone to help you reflect and support you with your intentions, we have a team of therapists at Thea Baker Wellbeing and we have IMMEDIATE availability – please reach out to us at: hello@theabaker.com.au / 03 9077 8194.