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That place beyond lockdown fatigue

That place beyond lockdown fatigue

The phrase ‘lockdown fatigue’ has been one of those new words or phrases that have become commonplace in our vernacular following the outbreak and spread of COVID-19.  Along with language like primary close contact, self-isolation and travel bubble, lockdown fatigue is one phrase I’m sure we are all sick of.  With the current stay at home orders in place in New South Wales, Victoria and South Australia and with so many people spending more time with very few, if any, people around them this is an experience that many millions of people in Australia are experiencing.

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Your chatter matters – the update

Your chatter matters – the update

I don’t know about you, but my head is one noisy, busy place!!  There are not many moments in my day when I’m not aware of a constant stream of thoughts.  Some are utterly banal, others quite elaborate and exhausting, and some less than self-compassionate.  And all those thoughts are a good thing honestly, that our brain is constantly churning out

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Maybe you should talk to someone

Maybe you should talk to someone

Starting therapy can be quite the decision to make, especially if you’ve never done it before.  Whilst (thankfully) we have come a long way with regards how mental health is perceived and managed in Australia, for some people the stigma around mental health remains.  Reaching out for help is never a sign of weakness, sometimes we all need someone else to help us work though our ‘stuff’.  Maybe you have had a complicated family experience of mental health which creates additional fears and barriers.  But when IS the right time to start working with a therapist?

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Identity-based habits

Identity-based habits

If you have spent any time with me in the last few weeks you will have heard me wax-lyrical about James Clear’s book, Atomic Habits which I has finally made its way to the top of my very unwieldy reading pile.  I know so many people have already nailed this book, so if you’re one of those people I promise I’m not just making a bad job of rehashing James’ brilliantly written words.  You see the thing that’s stuck me most about this book is about how well aligned it is with a lot of very solid therapeutic research – and not just Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) approaches. I’d really like to see if I can pull a few themes together this week.

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