Threapy. Done Differently.

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My favourite resources: October – December 2024

My favourite resources: October – December 2024

Really not sure how we got to December, and the last few client-focused days in the practice for 2024. I find it’s even more important to prioritise this practice of reflection when life is extra-busy because otherwise it’s almost like operating in some kind of (non-clinical) dissociative haze.  And I really do love this week every quarter as it forces me to sit down and really pay attention to how I’ve spent my time, what I’ve consumed and learned, and it can help shape how I plan to spend the next few months.  And at this time of year, I’m already exploring my intentions and plans for 2025.

Anyway, getting to the point of this week’s blog and the thing that is at the core of everything I share on here: I really want it to be a useful space where people can find all sorts of therapeutically relevant information, mixed up with a good dollop of personal reflections and ramblings with a sprinkling of humour for good measure.  I also want it to be a place where you can find links to all the resources that I share with clients, things that I think have strong therapeutic merit or that are innovative and really want people to see.  It also gives you an insight into me, what I believe in, how I practice, and I hope it helps to provide some tangible illustrations of my core values:

  • Curiosity: being endlessly curious about humans – why we are the way we are, where we are, and how we are. I will always be asking questions, without judgement and full of compassion.
  • Respect: for self, for others and of boundaries.
  • Integrity: this is the foundation of trust; acting from an honest and open position, owning my mistakes, apologising and making amends when I get it wrong.
  • Wonder: of things unseen, unknown but felt, wonder at nature, the human form and its capacity to heal.
  • Justice: recognising my privilege in this world, advocating for systemic change and seeking to break down barriers.
  • Collaboration: in recognition that humans are designed to be in relationship to others, seeking to create community with a desire to share, diversify and build connection.

Therapy isn’t just about what happens in session.  I’m all about being creative with therapy – that’s what the whole ‘therapy. done differently’ is about.  I believe that therapy can also come in the form of blogs, podcasts, books and conversations with other people who are important to your healing.

So here are some of my favourite blogs, websites, books, apps etc. that I’ve been devouring – would love to hear what you think of them and hear what you’ve been busy enjoying as I’m always on the lookout for inspiration!

Podcasts / YouTube interviews:

I’m down a deep podcast rabbit hole at the moment so I’m going to share a few of my favourites lately:



I’ve managed only a few books this quarter between all the travel and the research as part of my PhD but these are some of my non-fiction fave’s over the last three months:

·         Bear by Staffan Gnosspelius
·         Consent Laid Bare by Chanel Contos
·         Before we forget kindness by Toshikazu Kawaguchi



  • Structured – a great diary / planning / to-list app that synch’s all the diary things into one place and helps to manage energy too. For anyone who needs help keeping track of ‘all the things’ including your ‘spoons’ I really like this app.


Here’s a reminder of the support services that are available 24/7 because therapy isn’t for everyone, it’s not available 24/7 (especially over the Christmas holidays) and our challenges don’t always fit neatly into our therapy sessions (if we do therapy):

  • Beyond Blue – 1300 22 46 36
  • Lifeline – 13 11 14
  • Kids Helpline – 1800 55 18 00
  • Suicide Call Back Service – 1300 659 467
  • MensLine – 1300 78 99 78
  • QLife – 1800 184 527
  • Find your local CAT Team (Crisis Assessment and Treatment Team)


If you’d like a space to talk about how you’re feeling, please get in touch with us: / / 03 9077 8194