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Hello my name is Thea and my cervix hangs to the left

Every woman’s favourite pastime – the pap smear

Once every 12-months (or so) I rock up to my gynaecologist to spend about 15 minutes of my life having my cervix scraped.  And that day was today.

The reason that I go every year, as opposed to every two years like most other women in Australia is because I have a history of dodgy pre-cancerous cells in and around my cervix.  And in the interests of public service I thought I’d share a little about what I’ve learned over the last nine years since my cells all started going a bit bonkers and I became increasingly phobic of having a speculum inserted in my vagina.

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I’m no Buddhist…

…but here’s my take on meditation

There is a wealth of science out there that supports why meditation is a good thing.  Feel free to google, or just read this for a quick flavour of the stuff that’s out there.

Meditation has a long and complicated history via a couple of religions or philosophies.  Here’s a link to a great timeline for anyone who wants more history detail.

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Embracing the suck

I wrote last week in a newsletter (if you haven’t signed up yet, why on earth not? HERE it is, and HERE is how to get signed up) about the pitfalls of SOS (Shiny Object Syndrome) and the especially challenging areas that need to be successfully navigated in order to fully recover.

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The power of the Plate – Amy’s story

I was lucky enough to start working with Amy over a year ago now.  When I met her, Amy had a two year old daughter called Ivy, and she had just finished five weeks of intense pelvic floor rehabilitation using a Power Plate at mishfit HQ.  Back then I didn’t have a Power Plate Studio and so Amy travelled to see Mish in Northcote…and she then came to train with me working very specifically to build on her postnatal recovery.  This is her story…

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Testimonial: Kathy

“I’ve been training with Thea for just over a year now. I was diagnosed with a prolapse three years ago and went down the path of physiotherapy and was told I could do no more. The slight improvement that physiotherapy had given me was the best I could hope for and I should be grateful for the improvement I had achieved. My life would now be restricted to not lifting anything heavier than a sheet of paper and exercise was out of the question unless it was swimming or walking on flat surfaces.

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Testimonial: Steph

“Thea is by far the best personal trainer I have worked with. Her approach is realistic and understanding. Thea has a bright and bubbly personality which is just infectious, I always leave a class feeling re-energised and ready to take on the rest of my day.

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