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I am good enough

If you’ve read anything I’ve written you’ll know it always comes straight from my heart.  Every time I put fingers to keyboard or pen to paper (I still love writing the old-fashioned way) it’s a mixture of information sharing, motivational message and therapy (for me)!  Sometimes it feels like I almost give birth to the pieces I write, and that’s why I think it sometimes takes a while for posts to come, the words and thoughts have to brew for a while in my over thinking mind.  I’m always brutally honest and I often over-share, and this one is no different.

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My story

I recently shared an article that I have had published on Tiny Buddha where I talk about what it was like to be married to an emotionally abusive man.

Some of you already know what happened, and it has taken many months of coming to terms with how I ended up in that place, never mind actually find a way to verbalise it and begin sharing it.  Shame, embarrassment and just really not knowing how to start that difficult conversation meant that I suffered in silence for the almost three years of our relationship.  I have learned that the silence is all part of the abuse cycle, and by continuing to remain silent meant I was enabling the pain to continue.

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On being a strong woman

This one isn’t about muscles, lifting weights or flipping tyres.

I think I’m probably physically a little bit stronger than the average nearly-40 year old woman.  Actually, maybe a bit more than that but as a Personal Trainer you’d hope that was the case!  I do push-ups on my toes, really quite enjoy burpees, and love the part of the gym where all the buff blokes hang out grunting over the squat rack.  But like I said this one isn’t about being physically strong.

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