Threapy. Done Differently.

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Tackling Triggers

Tackling Triggers

Being ‘triggered’ is something we often hear out in the world, on socials and in TV shows.  It’s quite an over-used colloquialism in these spaces.  But, in a psychological sense, triggers are most often associated with traumatic events and diagnoses of PTSD and Complex-PTSD and they can be super problematic to navigate.  Triggers are reminders of past traumas.  This reminder can cause us to feel overwhelming sadness, anxiety or panic.  Triggers can also then cause us to experience vivid pictures of memories of the traumatic event – flashbacks, making us feel that we are actually reliving the worst of those moments.

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The whole is greater than the sum of the parts

The whole is greater than the sum of the parts

I really struggle with finding the right words or language around ‘recovery’ or ‘healing’ – honestly there are really so many rubbish words around this.  I am so mindful about how we frame or explore the experience of therapy and I’m also curious about how different words or language inform or shape how we feel about that experience.  As part of that pondering I have been listening to a really interesting podcast (The Path of IX) which shares some rich teachings from first nation people all over the world.

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The start of February: too early for a rest?

The start of February: too early for a rest?

I’m not sure if I’m alone in this feeling, but as the first month of 2022 draws to a close I’m already feeling like I need another break!  And as I’ve been curiously reflecting on that awareness its dawned on me that maybe it’s because I did ‘do’ some quality resting over the Christmas break.  Maybe that old adage, usually applied to newborn babies, of “sleep begets sleep” can work in some way for adults and rest!  [For those of you who have never heard of that phrase it’s about the understanding that newborn babies often sleep better at night when they’ve had lots of good quality day-sleeps…which seems counterintuitive for many parents who worry that if they’ve slept too much during the day, they won’t be tired enough to sleep through the night.]

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A bit about Thea Baker Wellbeing

A bit about Thea Baker Wellbeing

I realised recently that I haven’t written a blog to really explain the ethos behind, and crazy-brilliant evolution of Thea Baker Wellbeing (TBW for short) and with so many wonderful new clinicians who have joined the practice recently, I thought this week might be a great week to sort that out.  TBW was very much created to be a baby private practice, that I always thought was going to be a ‘one-person-band’ kind of practice.  Just me, doing my thing.  I had no intention of it growing into a multi-therapist practice operating from two locations, so things have very definitely changed over the last few years!

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Tip of the Isoberg

Tip of the Isoberg

Fucks sake.

The collective sigh can be felt across Victoria. With 1 in 50 of us currently testing positive to Covid, and many of us returning from long awaited trips to see friends and family only to be back in isolation indefinitely, 2022 has started with a fairly aggressive kick in our soft bits (I feel like no one has the energy for hard bits atm). Our small businesses are struggling (again) and everything – from our kid’s playdates to where we get our morning coffee –  is in question. We are all longing to return to ‘normal’, where we can (consensually) hug strangers, dine where and with whom we want, let our kids run fearless and free, and not have to resort to having frozen raspberries on our morning oats because there are no frozen blueberries, AGAIN.

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A time for reflection

A time for reflection

This is my first piece of writing this year, and it was a very deliberate break for me over the Christmas/New Year holiday as I diligently prioritised my own needs after two HUGE years supporting other people with their mental and emotional health through the messiness of the pandemic.  (There will be no more COVID references in this week’s blog.)

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